^_^ thank god for the tab-key
At first: you can get really easily a preloader from ng or you have to do the following:
there has to be an action-level (a own level for the action-script is good to prevent bugs). There you create two blank keyframes, in the first frame you write: ifFrameLoaded (yourlastframeinproject) {
gotoAndPlay (theframeyouwantthemovietostart);
Then you can make an little animation, on another level of course, at the last frame of the animation you craete a blank keyframe at the action-level and write: gotoAndPlay (yourfirstframeofpreloader);
Now to your movie, you like animes like gundam don't you? It was very entertaining and the story has potential though it's not completely new.
At last: you have to improve your drawing skill... and spelling: "weapons of mass-destuction" ^_^